
Face the front of your square, where your audience would sit. At first, you will learn most steps facing en face. Face the corner of your square—your crossed leg should be away from the audience. Beverley is looking straight ahead— she could also look en face, to the audience. Facing different directions is preparation for turning steps.


Nadja and Hannah are “spotting” as they spin around on demi-pointe. They keep looking at one spot while they turn; this stops them from feeling dizzy and helps them balance. As they turn, their bodies pass through all the directions in their imaginary squares. Traveling steps can move in different directions. The pattern that a dance makes when the steps travel around the room, or stage, is called the floor pattern.


Traveling forward is the easiest direction because most of our everyday movements, such as walking or running, go forward. Moving backward is harder, especially if you are trying to follow a floor pattern. Remember to take your body weight back over your feet. Fix your eyes on a spot en face and keep looking at it as you start to turn. Whip your head around to look at the same spot as you return to the front.