Dance Movements : Scientifically Proven Dance Motions that Make Women Appear Sexier

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Dance Movements : Scientifically Proven Dance Motions that Make Women Appear Sexier

A 2017 research at the University of Northumbria had looked into dance movements, and on how it is most often observed during human courtship and selection of partners. In order to help comprehend the type of dance movements that can convey the right signals to potential partners during courtship, the university researchers conducted a study to analyze dance movements that can make a dancing female look more appealing.

The researchers also looked into what those appealing dance movements signify; validating the notion that such dance maneuvers are genuine cues suggestive of a woman’s health, personality and potential ability to reproduce.

One of the researchers, Dr Kristofor McCarty, a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Psychology in Northumbria had previously investigated in his PhD research, about female perceptions on the dance movements of males. In carrying out the investigation, he also pioneered the use of a 3D motion capture as a means to accurately record male dance movements. Dr. McCarty then converted the motion data into virtual CGI characters and used them as dancing male avatars that women were asked to rate.

Together with Dr Nick Neave, Chair of the University of Northumbria’s Faculty Research Ethics Committee, and an Associate Professor of Psychology, Dr McCarty, likewise used 3D motion-capture to record the movements of 39 women dancing to a basic rhythm. They then presented them as computer-generated avatars that distinctly captured the dance maneuvers of the 39 females, whilst removing all details related to the women’s actual physical appearance. .

Fifty-seven (57) men and 143 women were then asked to carefully observe a 15-second video clip of each avatar and rate the dancing ability of every virtual dancing female. After which, the two authors compared the resulting ratings to multi-level models of quantitative measurements for gauging movement patterns.

Using the data-driven approach to identify motions that distinguish female dance quality, the two researchers were able to pinpoint, which dance movements can make a woman look sensually attractive.

Dance Movements that Can Boost a Woman’s Sexual Attractiveness

’Doctors Neave and MacCarty were able to establish three (3) types of dance movement that contributed independently in making women sexually attractive:

  • Greater hip swing,
  • Increased unsymmetric thigh movements
  • Moderate levels of unsymmetric arm movements

They pointed to hip swing as a characteristic that identifies female movement, while the ability to move limbs independently of the other, may indicate well-developed motor control; limb independence though should not verge into uncontrolled pathological motion.
