Entire Universe Search Strange Star in the Sky

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Entire Universe Search Strange Star in the Sky

Billions of years, sparkling, some stars in the sky seem to be “dancing.” It may be different from Elvis Presley or Michael Jackson, but there are certainly some spins, such as rhythm beats and tops.


Over the next two weeks, Global Telescope is an international observatory network led by the University of Delaware, which continuously monitors three of these stars to see how much luminescence is occurring. 

Judy Provence, assistant professor of physics and astronomy at the University of Delaware, said that he was head of seismic research at Delaware.

The main task of this center is the mountain. The Green Planet in Delaware and the Cuban Observatory in UD are coordinating the activities of the former Earth Telescope. Provence said that the white d star is a “dead” star and does not produce its own energy like the sun.

Provence said: “The sun will one day turn into white white stars, so we are interested in knowing what will happen to them and what planets might happen to the original stars.”

Provence explains, ““The process a star pulsates is based on its elements and arrangement and composition. “Last year, the WD1524 completely changed the pulsation. Imagine ringing the bell of freedom and sounding like a handbell. It’s hard I don’t know how this happened to pulsating stars. We knew that this star had changed again and tried to understand how it happened. Current white d-star theoretical models do not predict this behavior. “

The scientific goal of the Earth Telescope is to obtain continuous time series measurements of “variable star” stars whose brightness changes over time and to establish a theoretical model that can be derived from basic astrophysics. According to Provence, a very successful method places the new “star shock” science at the forefront of stellar astrophysics. If you want to see the dancing star please visit https://www.seeplutonow.com/best-telescopes/for-astrophotography/ for more info’s.
