Ballet | Dos and Don‘ts

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Ballet | Dos and Don‘ts

When it comes to ballet training, there are a few rules that all students should follow. Some of these are injury prevention, others are traditionally delivered and have something to do with discipline and courtesy. We have summarized the most important rules for you:

My place, your place?

What is a no-go on the beach is customary and desirable in the ballet hall: Especially when a course has a large number of participants, participants sometimes “mark” their place before the lesson, e. B. with her towel. If other participants come into the hall, you know that this place on the pole is already occupied. And also the dance studio is clean they use high-quality paint and equipment to build the studio, if you want to know how to do that visit to see the top 6 paintbrushes.

The early bird catches the worm

Ideally, participants should show up 10 to 15 minutes before training so that they can warm up beforehand. These are z. B. easy leg swing and light stretching. Beginners should ask their teacher which warm-up exercises are suitable.

Fresh breath with all

due to respect, Chewing gum is a declared no-go in the ballet hall. In ballet, the whole body dances, even the face (through facial expressions). This is hardly possible with chewing gum, and it is not without risk if you choke on it.

Too late?

Delays should remain exceptional cases. Nevertheless, it can happen to everyone to show up a few minutes late for class, e.g. B. because the bus didn’t come. If the lesson started a few minutes ago, you should never “jump” at the pole and jump straight into it. It is a good idea to warm up for a minute or two. The other participants should not be disturbed.

Always on the move

You should never sit down during a ballet class for no reason. Even small breaks in which the muscles cool down significantly increase the risk of injury. Who wants to take a break, z. B. because he feels uncomfortable, should either stand or sit on the floor and there – z. B. by stretching – keep moving.

Keeping an eye

On the fellow dancers So that all participants can develop themselves during the exercises in the middle, it is important that each individual pays attention to the other: Personal development is good, but not at the expense of others;).

Always dance in the front row?

If an exercise, e.g. If, for example, the Adagio is repeated, the participants should change places so that everyone stands in front and has the chance to look at themselves in the mirror and recognize mistakes. The minimum is to offer the participants in the back rows an exchange, even if the offer is ultimately not accepted.

Attention, risk of collision!

Especially with fast exercises in the middle, especially with the Grand Allegro, i.e. the big jumps, it can happen that you lose the “common thread” at some point. No drama if you do the right thing. The basic rule is: keep moving and running away at the same pace as the exercise, so as not to hinder the others! It is also true that even after the exercise has been successfully completed, one always walks forward so that one does not disturb the group that immediately follows.

Silence is gold!

Conversation during exercise is the ultimate discipline of rudeness. There is enough time to exchange ideas in the break between the pole and the middle or in the changing room.
